Halloween...All Saints Day

What Is the Difference between All Hallows' Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day? Once Autumn is the air across the world department stores will entice consumers with discounts on costumes and sweets. There will be carved pumpkins and bobbing for apples at holiday parties. There will be hayrides, hot apple cider, gathering around bonfires with friends. Then, on the 31st of October, kids dressed in costumes will go door-to-door to trick-or-treat for sweets. For some churches, the celebration doesn't stop there. October 31 actually begins a three-day observance and celebration of Allhallowtide, a combination of Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Where did these holidays come from? Is there a difference between them? According to dictionary.com, the word "Halloween" is a "direct derivation of All Saints Day" with "All Hallows" in Old English meaning " the feast of the saints ." To hallow is " to make holy or sa...