Snow on the rooftop...

They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and green:( Psalm 92:14)

Those who are older should speak, for wisdom comes with age (Job 32:7). 

I bought an Apple ipad when they originally launched back in 2010. Today, eleven years later, the software is antiquated and ready for the technological scrapheap. When I spoke yesterday to the Apple Genius bar guru, he said that, even if I did restore its settings, many of the new apps don't work on the old software platform. 

Thankfully Apple have introduced a iPad 10.2 – it’s very much the everyman of the range, offering up a vivid screen, light and portable build, and an A12 processor capable of some fairly heavy lifting. With this most recent iPad release, it offers a larger screen for around £319.

As I embark on retirement from work next year, I want you to know that, unlike the original ipad, this old guy is far from done yet! In fact the scriptures above give me great cause to believe that I in fact shall be "fruitful"... Yes, the best years are yet to be. "There may be snow on the rooftop* but there is still fire in the furnace!

*The gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old (Proverbs 20:29). 

*Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is obtained by following a righteous path (Proverbs 16:31) 


  1. Awesome. Love this reflection.
    ♦️Every moment is a fresh beginning.


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