All aboard!

Every workday morning I catch an early train from Sydenham to Lanyon place (or Belfast Central as it was called). It's a short two stop train ride, normally bunged with commuters from all walks of life.

The train journey always reminds me of one of my favourite BCGC (Belfast Community Gospel Choir) songs entitled 'People get ready there's a train comin'. 

This song was written in 1965 by Curtis Mayfield. It was first sung by the Impressions and then from a variety of artists such as Rod Stewart, Bob Dylan, Aretha Franklin, Eva Cassidy & others. 

The composer was definitely thinking about political and social liberation, 'a long tradition of imagery in Black American freedom songs'. It is also said to have had 'a significant impact on the civil rights movement'. Even with this background understanding, the song clearly transcends this earthly hope by the future hope found, as the lyrics say, "in the Kingdom throne."

It subtely introduces us to eternity and the life hereafter. Ultimately the composer doesn't want anyone to miss boarding the train and lets us know what the key is "that opens the doors and boards ' for all among the loved and lost".

Give it a listen and see what it says to you.

Enjoy Eva's rendition of People Get Ready here on YouTube...or make a date to hear BCGC in 2019.

Feel free to comment.


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