Skin in the game

A friend of mine, who likes to remain anonymous, has supported a load of charitable projects, but particularly loves it when he can fund-match. What he is looking for is when someone else is first prepared to put "skin in the game" - that is, committing some of their own hard earned cash. This is what we call "putting our money where our mouth is."

To understand this phrase "skin in the game" it has the thought of someone else first incurring risk, to helping in achieving a mutual goal.

"Skin" here, is a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa. For the person involved the "game" is the metaphor used for the field of play or goal under discussion.

When someone demonstrates that they have "skin in the game" my friend happily matches the donation to double the amount!

This year my wife and I went on a one day silent retreat to contemplate "Advent." From the scriptural reflections, I couldn't help but think, that in us anticipating "the coming," or first appearance of Jesus, (which is what Advent means) what made this the most important event in history, was because this was the day God, literally, put "skin in the game".

The "skin" was God in the person of Jesus.  The "game" in this context was in him becoming the Saviour of the world.

Isaiah & Matthew both call Jesus Emmanuel meaning "God with us."  John's gospel agrees, when he refers to Jesus as the "Word made flesh" - God dwelling in a human body, God with skin on!

God risked the life of his only son Jesus in the first advent, so that we could all be part of the second advent.

I used to sing a festive song which encapsulated this wonder;

 "He left the splendour of heaven
   Knowing his destiny
   Was the lonely hill of Golgotha
   There to lay down his life for me

   If that isn't love
   Then the ocean is dry
   There's no stars in the sky
    And the sparrow can't fly
    If that isn't love
    Then heavens a myth
    There's no feeling like this
     If that isn't love

Hoping you and your family experience the embrace of God's love this Christmas .


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