Blue Monday and 7 tips for brighter days

It's the end of January and I've managed to live through Blue Monday, 21st January, which is deemed to be the most depressing day of the year. Some of my colleagues dressed in blue in support of people suffering poor mental health.

Depression happens to one in four of us. As a former sufferer of acute depression I write this blog for the twenty five percent of you out there - my fellow-sufferers.

Firstly, seek help. If your mood is low and maybe you're not sleeping please speak to your GP. You may find your concentration is poor and nothing brings you joy. It's best not to self diagnose, as you're probably not in the best frame of mind to do this. They may suggest medication which may help stabalize your mood. They may suggest counselling or talk therapies like CBT. All are there to support you never to shame you. Really low? Please call the Samaritans on 116 123 in the UK and Ireland. They are a safe place to talk if you are feeling suicidal.

Secondly, stay in touch. Speak to a family member or friend and don't withdraw by locking yourself away. It's good to talk. Social contact is necessary to help improve your mood. It may be time to "phone a friend".

Thirdly, get involved in physical exercise. Even a gentle walk of 15 minutes  a day will help release the right chemicals in your system.

Fourthly, "feel the fear and do it anyway". There may be life circumstances that are weighing you down. You may have to grasp a few nettles here. It may be you need to sell that business. Give up that job. Challenge that insensitive boss.

Identify what is sucking your confidence. 'Mind monsters' are terrifying. Remember often F.E.A.R. is just False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fifthly, monitor your intake of alcohol. Be honest to yourself. Alcohol may mask your emotions but it is a known depressant.

Sixthly, eat healthily. I lost my appetite when depressed, others gain excessive weight due to overeating, sometimes caused as a side effect of the medication.

Finally, remember you are loved and valued. Think of the devastation you could leave your family if you thought life wasn't worth living.

Don't waste your life on people who see you as worthless. You are priceless. Don't ever forget your worth. Spend time with people who value you.

It may be "blue" for you at present but there will be brighter days ahead. There really is light at the end of your personal tunnel.

Take the first step and share how you feel with someone today. "A burden shared is a burden halved"!

Hope is there for you.


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