All that matters

Last year I watched the thanksgiving services of three 'Generals of the Christian faith' online, namely, Billy Graham, Dick Iverson and Rick Seaward. They all had a zeal and a heartfelt passion in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and His Kingdom. Like it says of King David, "they served their generation well by the will of God."

This morning I watched another thanksgiving service online. It was one of my favourite Bible teachers, a most prolific theologian called Kevin Conner*. He has written more than 60 books on various important topics many of which are available on Amazon.

I was only 19 when I went to study theology in Portland Bible College. It was worth every minute though. I worked as a church janitor in order to pay my way through college (1976-1979), in exchange for the rich Word deposit that I and many other students received from Brother Conner's teachings.

Not only did he have a wry sense of humour but he was also very approachable. As a foreign student from the British Isles, (with Kevin being from Australia), we shared the common bond of speaking "the Queen's English." He knew that colour definitely had a 'u' in it and that the word 'programme' should never be shortened to program. I remember my American roommate remarking on our use of the English language, saying "you guys may have originated the language but we streamlined it!"

Brother Conner's was also a kind man, having a few of us "fellow-aliens" round for tea at times to enjoy his "Kevinisms," some of which were mentioned in the tributes.

The service this morning reminded me, yet again, of what the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes meant when he stated "It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart."
Wasn't it Benjamin Franklin who said: "'In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

Check out the thought provoking poem written by Brother Conner's son Mark, entitled "Nearing the end: A poem." You'll find it on the Kevin Conner website.*

This has had me reminiscing and singing an old refrain throughout my day, entitled "All that Matters"

I showed you my heart, I sang you my song
You heard my guitar play;
In a minute or so I may be gone,
So there's just one more thing I should say:

All that matters in this life below
Is not what you are or how much you know;
All the world's knowledge can make the mind smart,
But the diff'rence is made in the heart.

I sing songs of joy, I sing songs of pain,
Songs that will move the soul;
But if I should never sing them again,
Here's something you've got to know;

All that matters in this life below
Is not what you are or how much you know;
All the world's knowledge can make the mind smart,
But the diff'rence is made in the heart.
But the diff'rence is made in the heart.

( Artist : Dallas Holm)

"A man after God's own heart." *


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