Dangerous Games ahead of Valentines Day

Date #2 of 12 in 2019 for Mrs B. I have the Martin Lewis Saving Expert website to thank for the well received "12 dates of Christmas" Christmas prezzie idea. The girls in the office also helped me with a range of great (some cheap) date suggestions that almost every woman would like.

A great date night is always a great way to protect what is already good about your marriage. My goodness, sure you wouldn't run a car without checking it in for a service. I like to think of these date nights as a tune up, MOT or an evening at "marriage enhancement." 

So after a romantic meal for two we arrived at the Belfast Waterfront Hall. We had great seats with an open stage view to witness the 'Flatley Lord of the Dance, Dangerous Games'. Having previously seen the Riverdance prequel, I remembered that this unique reinvented form of Irish dancing was a favourite with my wife.

It started with Michael Flatley briefly on screen, stating how he'd overcome obstacles to see his dance troupe dream become a living reality. It has become the greatest ever sell-out dance tour in the world . 

He specifically encouraged everyone to follow their dreams no matter the cost. He advocated the importance  of being tenacious to break down walls opposing our dreams. He then suggested that you may even need go under, go over or go around to turn obstacles into opportunities.

The show was exceptional. The masterclass dance troupe, made up of guys and gals, were as fit as many an Olympic gymnast! The backing music was hauntingly ethereal, ranging from Spanish guitar, ballero, bagpipes, flutes to Irish music on electronic fiddles. The computer graphic backdrops had scenes as diverse as hell-fire, flaming torches, dry-ice fog banks and molten volcanic lava for the bad guy cyborg scenes.

The good guys had sundrenched picturesque landscapes filled with butterflies, rainbows, gushing wells, waterfalls, white stallions and firework displays. It was something between were Disney on Ice and Titanic meet, with Rocky Balboa as a dancing James Bond. A weird concoction of genres but entertaining nonetheless.

Lavish audio-visuals complemented each set, transporting us to an enchanted land of unicorns and nymphs. Absolutely mesmerizing.

Obviously, the good guys ultimately fought in a dance off, to win the prized diamond encrusted belt.

As they say in Scotland "better felt than telt"!

If you ever get the chance to book tickets in the words of Nike "just do it". You'll not be disappointed.

Marriage can be challenging, but date nights can be one tool to strengthen relationships and make your partner smile.

If you are keen to invest in your marriage (and family too),  subscribe free to the e-letter with Care for the Family on:

These e-letters are sent out every two months. They're full of helpful articles, top-tips and personal stories for every type of family.

Have a great week and remember Valentine's Day is imminent - just saying.


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