Man drawers, Nokia 3310's and other stuff to reminisce over

Well I had some time on my hands today and I started clearing up my man drawers. Oh yes , I have more than one – I have four man drawers! It’s a form of spring clean when nothing much gets thrown out, as I spend most of the time reminiscing, and wondering where and when did I gather such a load of old undervalued trinkets! Marie Kondo fans will balk at the thought of what I'm about to reveal. Bet MK fans don’t have two Nokia 3310’s in immaculate nick though?

Its nice to have a semblance of order though, but you can be modicum too fussy – it could even stress you if you let it. But not me. 

No, instead I have neatly filed my five unused wallets, sectioned my four empty spec cases. Bet you also don’t have a ‘cool melt wax gun’ for putting wax seals on letters-eh! 

I’ve counted three, yes three paper punches – does that make me materialistic I wonder?

Two unused sweat bands from a past life when I was fit. Then the leads – yes lots of leads and an ipod – remember those – probably priceless. I’ve even got a CD player that links externally to my laptop, a new addition I must confess.

I have just come across 35mm film yet undeveloped. After checking, to my sheer delight I've found that Truprint still exist. With a simple email with your address on, they will send you their magic self addressed sealed envelopes to enable you send the film for developing. 

I've even found my lost cuff links, odd golf balls, coloured pens for overhead projector acetates and a mini foam roller for painting behind radiators. There’s also lots of currency, change,(or shrapnel as I call it), from foreign holidays. 

I’ve even found a capo for a guitar, dental floss, a lighter and a post it note in the shape of a heart – I was once romantic then😊 
The moral of the man drawer story is – whatever you do, don’t listen to Marie Kondo!
Man-up and rejig your man drawers instead!!


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