Pay it forward on Valentine's Day

I was thinking this morning about- how our whole of life policy would have paid out a quarter of a million pounds on the death of either my wife or myself.

It's really not good to incentivise death like this!:)

With our sons all being happily married now, we decided to stop paying the ever increasing  premiums for this type of  life cover.

However, we do both have the ultimate in full cover. This is a no premiums life assurance, which we find really essential.

We had someone pay it forward for us.

Watch the "Pay it forward" movie trailer

It's always great to have what you can't pay for, paid for by someone who can afford it.

If you had life assurance with no premiums I'm sure you'd want to share it with friends and family too.

So, on this annual day of love feel free to send me your email address. I'll then send you details of how to apply for this free life assurance offer with full coverage and no premiums.

Hope you have a great Valentine's Day.



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