Spring forward, Fall back!

With the change of seasons most people change all their clocks and watches to the new time. Typically, regions that use daylight saving time adjust clocks forward one hour close to the start of spring and adjust them backward in the autumn to standard time.

However, unlike the majority, in autumn ( Fall in USA), I usually neglect to change the clock on both our cooker and the clock in my car. So if you were to look at these now, they both appear as if they are one hour ahead of the actual time. 

They'll obviously then automatically correct themselves when the clocks move forward an hour for spring on 31 March 2019.

One Sunday morning recently, not remembering this important fact, my wife set the cooker-timer to come on while we were out at church. This was done in order that the oven would have automatically heated up to cook and roast a chicken while we were away.

Therefore, when my wife realised the cooker had come on an hour early, she rapidly adjusted her initial plan. Had she not have noticed that the heated oven had come on too early, the roast chicken would most certainly have been cremated.

So lunch was a little later that day, as we didn't have time to reset the timer. It was no bother though, as we found the saying that "hunger is the best sauce" to be true.

The three insights I gleaned from this life-story are  :

1) Sometimes delays are okay, if we are to avoid overcooking.

2) To ensure your clock or watch is accurate before you set a timer.

3) Delays can create a deeper hunger than we originally started with.

Timing is everything.

Don't forget Clocks go forward 1 hour Sunday 31 March 2019
Clocks go back 1 hour Sunday 27 October 2019.

The easy mnemonic device for remembering this is "Spring Forward, Fall back".



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