Why did the mobile phone wear glasses?

Saturday morning, I arrived at my work computer and guess what? Yes, I forgot my specs and I couldn't see my computer screen clearly.

I can still see clearly enough to drive safely, (yeh right nuff) but reading or looking at my computer, an arm's length away, everything smaller than font 12 and my  vision is blurred. This condition is called being long-sighted.

Long-sightedness affects the ability to see nearby objects. I'm  able to see distant objects clearly, but closer objects are usually out of focus. Apparently it primarily affects adults over 40.

If on the other hand, you are short-sighted you will have trouble seeing objects at a distance. Technically, short-sightedness occurs "when the eye is too long from front to back or your cornea's curve is too steep. As a result, light focuses in front of the retina, making objects in the distance appear blurred."

Thankfully I live within 15 minutes drive of my work and was able to swing by and collect my spectacles.

As the old poem goes:

"My eyes are dim I could not see,
I had not brought my specs with me"

I tried not to 'make a spectacle' of myself though:)

Do you think memory loss and long-sightedness comes with the aging turf?

Oh yes.

Q. Why did the mobile phone wear glasses? 

A. Because it lost all of its contacts!


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