The Contemplative Monk

It's good to "come apart and rest a while." So with all the barrenness that there can be in a busy life, I've planned to come on a guided weekend spiritual retreat in the tranquil and scenic setting of Tobar Mhuire, a "Passionate order" Retreat & Conference Centre near Crossgar in Northern Ireland.

On my earlier prayer-walk, I came upon Mary's well, which is the meaning of the Irish word Tobar (well) Mhuire (Mary). It was once  a source of water and refreshment but is now clogged up and disused.

The morning had been on the one of contrasts. On the one hand it was filled with silence, yet on the other, busy contemplating various scriptures of reflection.

Having prayed for family and good friends in an earlier reflection, the spiritual direction guides then gently challenged us  to pray the Prayer of Jabez, a four part prayer - a prayer for ourselves.

I wasn't expecting to be praying for myself, but check it. It is found in 1 Chronicles 4:9,10.

The four parts are:

#1 'Oh that you would bless me indeed'. Like when on an airline, during the safety demonstration, you first put on the mask and lifejacket yourself before helping others. We need to look after ourselves spirit, soul and body.

#2 'Enlarge my territory', or extend my influence for God and His Kingdom purposes.

#3 'That your hand would be on me' - ask that we sense God's touch, healing, comfort, presence & power.

#4 'That you would keep me from harm' - ask God for His care and overriding protection.

Spiritual food was followed with the natural. Lunch was a generous helping of lasagne, salad & chips - in fact so much food and all that I could think about was my weigh-in at Slimming World on Wednesday night.  I did skip the roulade dessert.  My food diary is definitely taking on too many treat hits.

I really believe this spiritual retreat is time well invested. Hearing God's voice is so much clearer in such a sacred space.
It's also a great time to be reminded to redig some devotional wells that are so readily blocked up in the busyness of the everyday ordinary.

Sensing the Spirit and discerning God's will is really important.

Making time "to listen" is crucial to our holistic wellbeing.

It's been said that "This life is only a training ground for the life to come" - so it's good to prepare and to prioritize "setting our affections on the things which are above."

Hopefully you can carve out time to feed your own soul or possibly invest in yourself at such a retreat in the future.

Ask. Seek. Knock.


  1. Really glad your time of reflection was helpful again bro. Living in the ordinary can be quite tedious & even difficult. It’s been encouraging to read that you beard God’s voice in that tranquil setting & that you benefitted from it.
    Take care. Your friend - Torransy


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