Down at the Coba

There's a golden oldie, an Irish/Scottish ballad, which starts with the lyric "I know where I'm going and I know who goes with me"

Down at the Coba.

On our vacation I've just booked for my wife and I to go on a Mexican outing, to a place called Coba. It is there we hope to see a Mayan village, it's temple and meet some of its people.

The importance of having a guide on such an outing can't be overstated. So we know where we are going, our destination being Coba. We also know we have a guide going with us, so we don't get lost and feel unprotected.

Life is a bit like that.

Most people muddle or meander through life yet, without a guide, therefore maybe uncertain of their ultimate destination.

Been there, done that

Well, the Coba visit is over and we're proud to announce we both made it to the top of the 120 steps, the tallest Mayan Pyramid in the Yucatan Peninsula (see photos above to prove it). It is a 42 metre (137 feet) high edifice. This most popular climbing activity at Coba is on Nohoch Mul (meaning large hill).

Our guide for the day was Roberto.  He got us to and from our destination safely, but upon personally researching the Mayans, I found that he was a bit scant on historical detail. He avoided talking of the human sacrifices that went on here in the past to appease the Gods. Instead he tried to side-step the blood-letting which happened when the loosing team were decapitated, in a good-versus-evil ball court game.

Roberto neglected to talk of this ultimate blood sacrifice, not willing, so it seemed, to offend tourists with the gore and horror of such historic events.

The day finished with a Mayan dance, with a Mayan dancer asking a blessing that our God would be with us all. (Sounded a bit Dave Allen-ish)

Do you see parallels in Christianity?:

1) Blood sacrifice
2) Appeasing God's wrath
3) The mound called Golgotha
4) Emmanuel - "God with us"
5) The Guide - Jesus, The Way

I truly hope, by faith, you meet the guide of all guides. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for mankind, appeasing God and giving eternal life to all those who follow Him.

"I know where I'm going, and I know who goes with me"

Q. Are you coming?


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