People get ready - Book recommendation re:Heaven

For those of you possibly interested in the "afterlife," I have a book recommendation which you can get on Amazon. It's called "Heaven by Randy Alcorn." It is a biblically sound piece of research that really focuses on the Life after life after death. I also read Surprised by hope by Tom Wright, but this is not an easy read.

An old Belfast preacher always said that "this life is but a training ground for the life to come."

In BCGC we sing a song, sung by Aretha Franklin and Rod Stewart called "People get ready there's a train a comin' "

Here is Rod giving it up

Make sure you get ready by having your train ticket for the journey into to abundant and eternal life.

Listen to the song or read the book for where you get your "ticket"!

Ask. Seek. Knock.


  1. I died befor in a car accident, now I'm more OpenMinded from it. #wasAthiest not any more tho


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