Seaweed shifters & summertime

The Riviera Maya beachline has been a little bit of paradise on earth.

Coming here was well worth the arduous 11 hour flight from the UK. 

Well it's time for home. Cases are packed and we anticipate tail winds as we fly back over the global pond we call the Atlantic.

To date we have enjoyed a constant 30 degrees in the sun with a cooling and refreshing seabreeze - just what the doctor ordered!

Swimming in the Caribbean sea is like having a refreshing jacuzzi bath - what is there not to love.

The reasons for seaweed

Changing climate and wind patterns have blown loose mats of seaweed to coastlines. So before you swim, you have the  little inconvenience of wading through a 10 to 20 feet width of sargassum seaweed.

"The nutrient rich waters are producing more sargassum (seaweed) than normal. 

Warmer waters breed the seaweed faster and the Caribbean has been warmer in the past few years.

When there are periods of low hurricane activity, the natural process of being “chopped up” by storms is lessened and more seaweed is floating around."

Seaweed Shifters

Our hotel had employed an army of local men who have the daily task of removing the seaweed.  It is a somewhat thankless task, as once it is wheelbarrowed to a dump site (or a dumper vehicle) they return to find there's more than ever.

It's nothing to complain about though, as there were lots of swimming pools as alternatives with swim up bars. LG...

..Life's good.

Reminder to self: When you are walking along the Belfast towpath in the rain to work in the winter, remember summertime..."Dirty Monkey" cocktails served at the cabana bed in the sun in 30 degree heat. 

LG - Life is good!


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