The Family - Kapish?

There are loads of movies about "the family," referring of course to those who are mafia family members. These crime and gangster movies include the likes of Goodfellas, The Godfather, and more recently the black comedy called "The Family".

"The Family" is about Giovanni Manzioni (Robert De Niro)ratting out his Mafia cohorts. His Sicilian/American family then enter the Witness Protection Program and relocate to a French town. Despite the best efforts of their handler (Tommy Lee Jones) to keep them in line, Giovanni (now called Fred Blake), his wife (Michelle Pfeiffer) and children (Dianna Agron, John D'Leo) can't help but resort to doing things the "family" way. However, their dependence on such old habits places everyone in danger from vengeful mobsters.

Stream it free on Prime Video if you don't mind a little swearing. As I say "it's a little dark but vengefully funny."

The Family is what matters.

Sometimes the absurdity and extremes of such an award nominated movie, demonstrate how working together can protect and care for the family.

In this movie, family relationships are seen as of uttmost importance, with even Michelle Pfeiffer seeking a little of God's guidance for her family. (I think her confession was too much though for the priest).

We have a saying in our hallway which states
"Family - we may not have it all together, but together we have it all"!



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