The Voice, A Voice & My Voice

Can you imagine having to go to a singing audition to become a choir member? The nervousness and trepidation, just to see if you're good enough. Will I be chosen, or will I be rejected?

Well my wife and I have done so, and are now proud as punch to have been invited to be singers in the amazing multicultural 140+ strong community known as BCGC - Belfast Community Gospel Choir.

Can you imagine though taking this scenario to another level, as if that isn't pressure enough already?

Well, although I'm just a run-of-the- mill backing tenor, there are others who are definitely gifted soloists.

It's like the time I remember, when sitting at the back of a church (where all "the backsliders" sit lol), hearing what I thought was a studio recording. I was pleasantly surprise to discover that there was an unseen person at the front who was actually singing live. It was none other than the inimitable Foy Vance. Have you ever heard of this guy? Well, if you ever see a wee man with a cool flat cap and a handlebar moustache it could be Foy. The "wee lad from Bangor" sings, and wow, such a talent ! Now he is sufficiently brilliant to sing alongside big gigs with the likes of Ed Sheeran and Snow Patrol.

"The Voice" is also a UK Saturday night TV singing-audition-show which celebrates rising singing stars. They are selected by "blind auditions", heard but not seen, by famous celebrity judges: namely  Sir Tom Jones, Jennifer Hudson, Olly Muir's and Will I Am.

Having "a voice" that is good enough for "The Voice" judge to choose you by turning around, usually means they will be your vocal coach as you progress through the knockout tournament.

Initially it doesn't matter about stage presence, charisma or how you look - it's all about having "a voice"!

Politicians have "a voice" when they promise the electorate how they will serve them.
Preachers have "a voice" when they share God's ways for an abundant and eternal life.
Celebrity singers have "a voice" when their songs reach top of the pops status. Brands and logos have "a voice" as they vie to communicate their message on a 30 second TV advertisment.
We are bombarded by people wanting us to hear their particular voice. It could be a text, an email, a web chat, a letter, a book or a blog but people want us to hear their voice.

What is your voice?
Do you have a voice?
Do you sing, do you talk or do you do social media ?

Your opinion matters - you have "a voice"!

You really do have "a unique voice" !

Let it be heard.

The world will be a better place if we hear your voice.

Send someone a love note - text it, write it on fancy stationey or send a recording of your unique voice.

Tell someone you're sorry.
Hug someone.
Thank someone.
Tell someone a joke.
Encourage someone with a "well done my son."

If you want write me and tell me about how you found your "voice".

Love. Peace. Joy.


My voice:


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