Let me tell you a story

Public speaking is an artform.  There is something about the power of a well crafted story that is captivating. The storyteller paints wonderfully clear word pictures that influence and impact us. They can make us feel happy or sad, angry or appreciative. If we forget everything else, the power of the story resonates in our very soul. "Maybe stories are #Data with a soul."

It's said: "Story is where we came from. Story is where we're going. Story is what connects us and binds us to each other. It is in the story of humanity, amongst love and fear and failure, that we make meaning of our lives."

Like a good movie or a 30 second advert, a great storyteller ably conveys a clear, concise and coherent message.

A TED talk is one such story telling medium. A TED talk is a video created from a verbal presentation at the main TED (standing for Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference or one of its many satellite events around the world. TED talks are limited to a maximum length of 18 minutes but may be on any topic.

Sir Ken Robinson speaking on the topic "Do schools kill creativity," is the top TED talk of all time. It's worth a listen, 58,265,191 people to date think so.

Also, on Tuesday night past, I was treated to a masterclass in story telling. It was at an annual Elim churches conference called Wondrous, when I had the privilege of again hearing Rob Parsons.

Rob Parsons is an international speaker and best-selling author. He is the founder and chairman of Care for the Family, a national charity which aims to strengthen family life and help those hurting because of family difficulties. It has over 70 paid staff and regional offices around the UK.

Rob has spoken to over a million people at live events on family issues and at Christian and corporate events around the world.

He has built an international reputation as an inspirational and entertaining keynote speaker at major conferences and events.

Rob is married to Dianne, lives in Cardiff in South Wales and has two adult children and five Grandchildren. For 15 years he was involved in the leadership of Glenwood Church, Cardiff, which he now attends with Dianne. In 2012 Rob was honoured in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list when he was appointed as an Officer of the British Empire (OBE).

I've just got my hands on a copy of Robs latest book entitled 'Let me tell you a story.' 
It is absolutely brilliant. 
It includes 49 of the best of Rob's stories. 
If you get a chance grab a copy on Amazon. 
It's a real pager turner.

One review sums it up nicely by saying "Classic Rob Parsons

- You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll read the whole book in one sitting with Rob’s lovely Welsh tones in your mind’s ear. Wonderful. Life-affirming stuff."

It's available in both kindle and hard copy format.

# Storytellerparexcellence
# Letmetellyouastory


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