Life is like a box of chocolates

"Mama says 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!'
These insightful words were spoken by Forrest Gump played by a young Tom Hanks.

I also remember my brother in law, who led a large Sunday school, likening people to a box of chocolates. Everyone loved the strawberry soft centre ones, others, like the toffees, were hard, but few liked the coffee creams. As they say in Belfast "you couldn't love them if you rared them," as they were so disgustingly distasteful.

People you meet today will be like one chocolate from a box of chocolates.

Some you meet will be like the orange cream - soft centred, sweet and welcoming.
Others will be like the toffees that pull your fillings out - a little hard, confrontational and reactionary.
Others may be like the coffee creams - no matter what you do you just can't like them!

Which chocolate are you?



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