14 Days to go

Consumers are being urged to check if they are owed money, with just two weeks to go until the deadline for Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) compensation claims can be made.

The cut-off date for making a PPI claim is 29 August 2019. After this date, consumers will not be able to receive compensation.

Many people were mis-sold PPI in the past with credit cards, mortgages, personal loans and overdrafts, causing the financial institutions to hold back millions of pounds to cover the compensations.

Although you can claim directly with many of the banks, people are giving the job to third party companies, who do the work and claim upwards of 20% of the payout for the effort.

This is a bit like life.

People have been mis-sold the pup of "being a good person" is enough.

Did you know the 'enemy of our souls' wants us to think that just being good gives us a get out of jail card and gets us into heaven.

I've got great news for you  though - it's not about you!

There is a lifetime guaranteed protection policy, underwritten by, not the banks, but the Son of the living God.

In giving His sinless life for us, Jesus has "redeemed us" - literally 'bought us back' - from the imminent deadline of a lost eternity to one of destiny, meaning and purpose.

Stake your claim to the protection policy of all policies. Life assurance like this cannot be purchased with silver or gold.

I would urge you not to leave it too late. Your dash is your deadline. Be warned and get your life assurance policy while you can. "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life (1John 5:12).



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