The Dream-maker

Walt Disney said "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
Like the biblical character Joseph, I know someone who is a dream-maker. She is the same vintage as myself, older by only a month.1956 was a great year.

She has formed a united and diverse community of over 160 singers. She is none other than the inimitable and charismatic Marie Lacey, pioneer and director of BCGC - Belfast Community Gospel Choir, and yes it does what it says in the name. We sing Gospel!

I know Marie from back in the 70's when she sang in a group called the Branches, when I sang in the Lightbringers. I so remember their Hawaiian guitar player giving them a rather unique sound. We on the other hand also had a USP, a guy, now a pastor who was a counter-tenor. We would often cross paths singing at a variety of gigs across Northern Ireland.

But this lady could not be contained to a  group. God had put in her heart a dream, a dream which she calls "God's choir."

Ten years ago BCGC launched with 40 singers. With video auditions this summer, it has now over 160 auditioned singers. BCGC now have TV presenters making programmes of this multi-talented choir community.

If you want to get a taste of what BCGC bring, get down to the space opposite St Anne's Cathedral on Culture Night Friday 20th September where BCGC will perform starting at 8pm. There is usually a crowd of 2000 people so get there early.

By the way, the tickets for BCGC annual Christmas Extravaganza at the Waterfront have just gone on sale. Get them soon as they usually sell out by October.

"All our dreams can come true", if like Marie, "we have the courage to pursue them."

Be a dream-maker or find someone who has one, and help them make it a reality.



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