The night buzz saw noises

Allegedly I snore!

My darling wife is such a saint. Just before she lies down to sleep she pops in her ear plugs. Now it's not the most romantic of ways of saying goodnight, but it's something that has helped us through our 38 years of marriage.

She does seem to have an aversion to gathering support though, by letting friends listen to my noisy yet automatic tilt switch disposition, exposing recordings of my loud buzz-saw sounding snores. My son's have actually heard me rattle the walls while trying to sleep in another room. I don't think it's that bad.

So I spoke to the Doc who has referred me the Regional Respiratory Centre, Sleep diagnostic Unit of Belfast City hospital. My appointment is in half an hour.
My wife is concerned that between snores I stop breathing. Well, all will be revealed, as tonight I will have an overnight oximetry test to be carried out at home. This will record my oxygen levels and heart rate while I am sleeping.

The things you do for a peaceable life. Who was it that said "no wife, no strife what a life." Not me.

Maybe the cartoon is the issue! Lol


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