A human outcry

It was standing room only at St. Anne's Cathedral Belfast on Monday night past, when over 3000 people turned up to pray for a breakthrough on the Abortion legislation, sanctioned from Westminster, and due to come into effect in NI on 22nd October 2019.

The prayers were an initiative from a groundswell of Christian organisations voicing their opposition to this parliamentary edict. It was both an outcry to overturn this appalling legislation and a crying out to God for divine intervention.

The government’s Northern Ireland (Executive Formations and Exercise of Functions) Bill is due to introduce same sex marriage and liberalise abortion law in NI if Stormont is not up and running again by 22 October unless our MPs return to Stormont.

It will be the most liberal of laws, permitting abortions up to 28 weeks term.

The campaign against liberalising abortion laws and legalising same-sex marriage continues with two more events this week.

"On Friday evening at Stormont at 7pm, there will be a silent march which we encourage as many people as possible to take part in," said Mr Legge.

On Saturday at 2pm, a 'March For Their Lives' will be held at Custom House Square in Belfast.

It is evident from the numbers who have turned out on Monday night, there is silent majority requiring our highly paid politicians to urgently return to government.

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"

Let's take to the streets tomorrow and Saturday.

# Wedeservebetter


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