Doughnuts & Didactic Teaching

The past four weeks have been busy with work. I've also been out most evenings at various events. So please forgive me if I've been a tad quiet on the blog front.

September is the month schools start back, but for me it has brought with it the recommencement of "BCGC" (choir) and "Tribes" (LVV life group's.)

Over the past three Thursday evenings I've also had the joy, honour and privilege to be able to share a foundational (didactic) teaching devotional course with the life group leaders at Forestside Church, Belvoir, South Belfast. We have also been pleasantly surprised to find others coming from other church streams.

Forestside Church needs commended on the friendliness of their welcome. They pulled out all the stops on night one, with Tim Hortons doughnuts as a lovely treat for delegates. It is safe to say that this 1.5 hr evening teaching hub has been a winning formula.

Someone once said that "if it's all Word you dry up, if it's all Spirit you blow up but if we have both together we grow up." We have together enjoyed the topical and allegorical teaching aids on most every night, but I can't help but think last Thursday night was a bit special.

Last Thursday I had the joy of teaching on  "the laying on of hands and prophecy". Rather than keep it in the "cerebral" we decided to demonstrate these truths in a prophetic workshop. To say that people were encouraged would be an understatement.

After 35 minutes of bible teaching, Jane Nart led the prophetic time, along with a team from the LVV HOTS team. These guys added so much to the evening, praying too for physical healings.

Jane is so gentle and sensitive in hearing the Lord's voice and Valerie Shannon,who heads up HOTS, has such a faith for the miraculous. Jane heads up the prophetic team training at CFC church, Strandtown.

The evening was full of affirmation, confirmation and strengthening of people in their God given gifts and ministries.
If you haven't experienced the love of God and have difficulty hearing God's voice, come along and chat with Sam & Zelda (pastors) at Forestside. There will always be a warm welcome. I can't promise that you'll always get Tim Hortons doughnuts but can promise you a place to belong, maybe even before you believe.


  1. Was texting Sam and Zelda today, and they said you were a great blessing to the church on your Thursday evening teachings...Think they are hoping you will do more.
    They so enjoyed it..
    You are a great blessing wee bro xx

    1. Thanks Sis - they are doing such a great job - they need good people ...hint ....hint


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