Good to go

Asda, UK subsidiary of Walmart sent me a message today. Before shopping for our groceries I used their Scan & Go handset. I entered my mobile number and the message said "Paul you are good to go"!

Asda had me "good to go" to scan my shopping. But it triggered a thought. It reminded me of Jesus' final commission which we know as the Great Commission. Matthews gospel says we are good "to go and make disciples". Not just converts but disciples. Research from various sources inform me that a disciple is an apprentice, literally "a taught one".

I'm a sexagenarian (in my sixties) but realise staying teachable keeps me from fossilising and thinking I'm a 'know it all.'

Wasn't it the wise Solomon who said "Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king who will no more be admonished."

Stay teachable - "you are good to go!" You never know you just might learn something new today.



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