Proms on the Park Belfast

The headliner tonight was Susan Boyle. She gave great renditions of "Wild Horses" and "Somewhere over the rainbow." My favourite tonight though has been Mark Vincent the 2009 winner of Australia's Got Talent. What a velvety voice!

Classical music definitely isn't my favourite genre, but the BBC Proms on the Park at the Titanic slipway is a great nights varied entertainment.

Most folk have brought their own picnic and their own portable seats.

People have started to wrap themselves in their rugs and blankets, as the wind has now picked up - after all "it's not Brazil it's Northern Ireland!"

We have just had a live link with the Royal Albert Hall, London. The enthusiasm certainly knocks the stuffiness out of classical music.

Thanks for including us in your party Mandie, Neil, Yvonne, Mandie and Peter. It was great we could celebrate Caroline's new hair do in such style!


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