Journey prayers - sacred spaces

Morning 27.01.2020
Travelling on the train to work gives me more "me time"! I find this a great time to contemplate the day to come.

In the morning rush it easy to get grumpy about the busy traffic and the early hour, so the 20 minutes journey is a great way to pray and bring God's peace and calm into my day.

When on board I extract a principle from the pattern of the Lord's know" Our Father..."

At other times I use the ACTS acronym - Adoration, Confession, Thanks, and Supplication ...or simply find it a good time to blog.

Evening 27.01.2020
It's rather more manic as I return home. A fifteen minute walk from work is followed by standing room only on the train, but it's only for nine minutes. Conversations crowd out the tranquility found in the morning journey, so "a thank you for my day" at work is about all I can muster.

Have you considered using journey times as "sacred spaces?" Journey prayers can be organic and relational . I find making my travel time "waiting time" can save me wasting this time. 



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