Snoring and ear defenders


It's Thursday and I'm off work for a wee appointment at the hospital in Belfast at 9am. I'm early as my nearest and dearest has kindly dropped me off at the station in good time. The appointment has a mutual benefit to our marriage as it is alleged that I snore, and I mean SNORE! This has been proven by various recordings, and the playbacks aren't pretty. It's such a regular and noisy environment that my wife has resorted to wearing earplugs to help defend her ears from a variety of guttural sounds. I've been diagnosed with "sleep apnoea." This is the morning to see the consultant at the sleep disorders clinic.

The coffee is great at the City Hospital, will check in later after the appointment.

Well the nursing staff were brilliant. After a rigourous verbal assessment I have been diagnosed with a mild form of sleep apnoea. An ECG and bloods have been taken and I'll be invited back by letter, in a few weeks time, to pick up my CPAP machine. This acronym stands for 'Continuous Positive Airway Pressure'. Hopefully it will help us both get a refreshing night's sleep. Not the most romantic looking way to wish my partner bonnuit. It'll be like her sleeping beside Darth Vader of Star Wars fame.

May "the force be with you" today.


  1. Must be a trait within our family, I've the same problem. But we decided that separate rooms was a better idea, but then I am older than you..but my wee hubby is such a light sleeper we thought better a good night sleep for us both.
    Hope the system you've got from the hospital takes care of the snoring...xBig sis


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