
There are turning points in life, like in the 'Sliding Doors' movie. The film alternates between two storylines, showing two paths the central character's life could take depending on whether or not she catches a train. 

Life can be transformed in a moment. 

Prior to Christmas I was struck with the thought that the direction and course of Mary's life changed forever, when the angel 'suddenly' appeared and told of her that she would birth to the son of God. 

The shepherds too, when 'suddenly' the angel announced the birthplace of Jesus, Saviour of the World.

Recently my wife and I have had a 'suddenly' moment. 

Our house sale fell through.  The middle of winter is never the best time to promote a house for sale as the nights are dark and cold.  

We were somewhat 'gutted' hearing the disappointing news that the sale of our prospective purchasers had fallen through, causing a break in the sales chain. As we have a deposit on a new build we were naturally concerned that we couldn't complete on time. 

Our "North Down" estate agent however was unphased. As the ardent professional he is, he got to work and approached a couple who had liked our house, but didn't have their own sold back in October. Timing is everything. 'Suddenly' the picture changed. Having just sold their house they came back to look at ours again. They fell in love with it and recently signed contracts. "Suddenly" it was sold.

We often don't see the end from the beginning. Yet, "suddenly"  disappointment can be turned to joy. "Suddenly" darkness can be turned to light.

In 2020 pray for your own suddenly moment.

Maybe it's a prodigal that you are praying for?
Maybe it's yours or someone you love's poor health?
Maybe it's a fractured relationship needing mended?
Maybe it's an unbearable stresser that needs broken?
Maybe it's an NI assembly being restored to govern?

Remember, with God all things are possible if we only believe.

Often He moves our circumstances slowly, but remember, He is also  the God who moves "suddenly."  




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