Hannibal Lecter by night

My title today was inspired by my DIL (daughter in law). She thought my new CPAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine, to be worn while I'm sleeping, reminded her of Anthony Hopkins role as Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs.(See photo attached).

Joking aside, getting a restful night's sleep is important.

Allegedly, according to my wife, I snore. But when monitored by the Sleep Clinic it was more than this. I was actually stopping breathing 18 times per hour while sleeping. This all too common condition is called having 'moderate sleep apnea.'

So after kissing my wife goodnight I don the mask. Not at all romantic I can assure you. It gives me continuous positive air pressure, counteracting the noises and gasps of heavy breathing.

It will take a while getting used to it, but there were no snores so it seemed to have done the trick.

Cianti anyone..ss...ss...ss


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