Truly thankful

I write to you while travelling on our flight from Murcia, Spain back to Dublin, Ireland. It's Friday the 7th February 2020 and well, I'm feeling truly thankful.

Q. Why? 

A. Well, primarily for 3 things...

1) Family &
2) Friends &
3) Faith

1. Family

They say "we can't choose our family, but we can choose our friends." But honestly, if I did have to choose one, it would be the family to which I belong. Leaning in to family relationships, particularly through our recent crisis, proves again, in the question posed by Kojak "who loves ya baby?" Answer: My family does!

Two of my sisters have just driven 200 miles round-trip to pick us up in Dublin. Love that is sacrificial is the real deal.

Our family have been expressing love and concern by phoning, texting and actually praying back in Ireland, while our son was hospitalised, in a coma in intensive care.

Most all of our immediate family dropped everything; joining us to help, as we have faced this crisis together (see previous blog entitled Mercy Drops for details). For me they are "simply the best!" 

Through this crisis I believe that I will be a more intentional hugger.  This potential loss of life has made me want to intentionally hug more often; as I realise that life as we know it could have so easily have been withdrawn in a flash.

2. Friends

It is jokingly said "that a friend in need is a pain in the neck!" I am however honoured to have friends, intimate and close, like you would not believe. They have really 'kicked in' when the going got tough. Words are cheap but as I have said, practical support speaks louder than words. 

When I get home I intend watching the movie, "Paying it forward" again and hopefully start a "random acts of kindness" epidemic. You would not believe the kindnesses we have received during this emotional rollercoaster of a week.

It is said that "to have friends we must make ourselves friendly."

I've found that my true friends have been there in the hard times, not just in fair weather.

And last but not least...

3. Faith

"Well you've gotta have faith" to quote the late George Michael.

By the way, I have a "privilege card" - yes privileged to be a signed up member to 'a global network that never sleeps'. I have recently called in some favours and had fellow-members in every continent of the world pray ; drawing down God's 'goodness & mercy' from the heavenly bank.

The Good Shepherd  has two heavenly sheepdogs; one called goodness and the other called mercy (Psalm 23); "that follow me". They have hounded our family over recent days.  Dispensed from the throne room of grace "to help us in our time of trouble' (here, look out, I feel a sermon coming on entitled "Mercy in Murcia" - see previous blog)... Mercy is when we don't get what we do deserve... Goodness is getting what we don't deserve.

The angel of God's presence has been busy on our behalf. Suppose, to express this, it's a bit like lists children send to the North Pole at Christmas to those who believe in Santa. We have encountered the risen Lord, very, very close to us.

You can belong to this "global network" before you believe or behave. Yet, "all things are possible to those who believe".

Okay. Let me dispense with the mystery and be clear. The global network is the church, local and global (visible & invisible) - this is the representation and demonstration of the rule and reign of God on earth today.

Membership hinges upon two clear things. Read Romans chapter 10 verses 9&10 and John 3:3-16 to gain admission now! Please take time to look these verses up and put your own name in where it says "you" and "your" or "a man." 

Procrastination is the strategy of our arch enemy; so this invitation comes with a life-warning.

Honestly, you can enjoy abundant life along with eternal life - yes, now.

It's so simple to join, but the paradox is, it will cost you everything!

Reply to me at the bottom if you have any questions.



  1. Beautifully explained wee bro.
    Love family.😘😘


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