Hypertension linked to coronavirus


"..., we know that people who have underlying medical conditions face higher odds of getting really sick or dying from Covid-19, particularly those with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, lung disease, and cancer. Having one or more of those conditions increases a person’s risk of severe symptoms beyond what their age alone would suggest"


"For decades, doctors recognized a handful of ways that a diagnosis of high blood pressure could lead to disability and death: stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. Doctors in China may have now found another: the novel coronavirus. Bloomberg News reported last week that doctors have identified hypertension as “a key dangerous factor” that leads to distress and death in patients with the coronavirus. In January, for example, nearly half of the fatalities in one group of Covid-19 sufferers occurred in individuals with high blood pressure.

A different group of China-based doctors reported similar findings in the Lancet, while three other doctors hypothesized that patients who take common hypertension drugs (ACE inhibitors) are at risk of developing worse Covid-19 infections.  


Coronavirus and High Blood Pressure: What’s the Link?

If you have high blood pressure, it's a good idea to take extra care to protect yourself during the corona virus  (COVID-19) outbreak. Early research shows that people with the condition may be more likely to:

Get COVID-19

Have worse symptoms

Die from the infection

High Blood Pressure Risks

Data from China and Italy -- countries hit early by the virus -- show higher risk of COVID-19 infections and complications in people with high blood pressure.

In China, 25% to 50% of people who came to hospitals with coronavirus had high blood pressure or another health condition like cancer, diabetes, or lung disease. In Italy, more than 99% of people who've died from the virus had one of these conditions -- and 76% of them had high blood pressure.

People with high blood pressure are also slightly more likely to die from coronavirus. Their risk is about 6% higher than the overall population.

Based on information from the outbreak in China, it appears that the following groups have a higher risk of serious illness from covid-19 (coronavirus):

The elderly (>65 years)

People with underlying chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cancer and high blood pressure (hypertension).


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