The Reproduction Rate - Reducing & Increasing

  • Epidemiology and it's Reproduction rate

  • Theological & Spiritual Reproduction

Epidemiology and it's Reproduction rate

In epidemiology, the basic reproduction number, the reproduction number, a key aspect of a disease’s transmission, is the average number of people who will catch a disease from a single infected person. Maintaining the reproduction number to below one means that the epidemic will decline. This rate is just under one across the UK and needs to reduce before lockdown restrictions are eased.

Theological & Spiritual Reproduction

From creation to redemption the bible speaks of both natural and spiritual  Reproduction.

While the epidemiologists and the government are working hard to reduce the pandemic R rate, the church is seeing its R rate increase.

Genesis chapter 1 verse 28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: 

Three words from the key verse

1. Be fruitful means "to bear fruit" (literally or figuratively): thought of growth and increase as in a vine bearing grapes

2. Multiply means "to increase" (in whatever respect): thought of numerous, as in reproducing many more children

3. Replenish means "to fill" or "be full of" (literally and figuratively): thought of overflow, as water filling up a vessel

Although there are three words used, they all speak of Adam and Eve bearing children, increasing their family, who in turn would reproduce offspring that would ultimately populate the earth.

  1. We are to reproduce natural children 
  2. We are to reproduce spiritual children 

1.We are to reproduce children (naturally).

Abraham said "give us children lest we die!"

Psalm 127 was our wedding verse. Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward

Thankfully, after losing a wee baby girl at 8 months term in a stillbirth, we went on to be blessed with three sons of our own.

Our eldest son and his wife have reproduced two children. We are also anticipating the other two son’s wives are expecting, reproducing children in May and June 2020.

2. We are to reproduce children (spiritually).

When Jesus speaks of reproduction, he speaks of his spiritual children - sons and daughters - born of the Spirit and filled with His Spirit

2 Corinthians 6:18
“And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,” Says the Lord Almighty.

Signs of Spiritual Reproduction in the Pandemic


A research survey commissioned by Tearfund  indicates that some 3 million new people have turned to prayer in the UK since lockdown began. 

The Tearfund survey also demonstrates that record numbers have begun attending church online since the lockdown began. Generally we'd expect around 5-7% of the nation to attend a Sunday service at least once a month.  But over the past couple of months, this figure has jumped - in fact it has skyrocketed - to 24% of the British population. Almost one in four. And 5% of these people wouldn’t normally be at church 

The online British bookstore Eden also reports a 55% increase in sales of bibles in April.  
One church in Belfast has had over 30,000 views over the last 7 weeks.

The epidemiologists and the government are working hard to reduce the pandemic R rate. The church, the body of Christ, on the other hand, is seeing a phenomenal increase in it's spiritual reproduction rate.

Prayer of Purpose:

Thank you, Lord, that I can live life full of purpose.
Thank you that Jesus has restored in redemption what was lost in Adam at creation.
Thank you for helping me discover that spiritual REPRODUCTION is one of the reasons of why we exist and why we were created.

May I be a witness of your resurrection life and salvation. 

May I be an ambassador of the good news, both proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel. 

Help me be a soul winner, involved in reproducing spiritual sons and daughters, by living a life as salt and light. 

Shine your light in darkened hearts we pray, turned them to yourself, in Jesus' mighty name. 


Further reading :  God's Purpose: Things I want my grandkids to know ( 


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