In praise of holy huddles

During lockdown our local church community at LVV decided, as they couldn't meet in the normal congregational mode, that this was a great opportunity to meet as "a huddle" - a small group made up of five guys all sharing the common factor of loving Jesus.

After a few zoom huddles we then progressed, as lockdown eased, to meeting outdoors in walks together with a destination being a Hillsborough watering hole, a beer garden known as the Hillside. 

I've gotta say, as we get to know each other, the craic has been great from this diverse bunch of guys - we'll worth the drive from my native East Belfast. 

Friendships are some of the greatest things we carry through life. So if you are needing a few more friendships, get yourself involved in a huddle. 

At LVV you just submit your name to Jenny at the church office and you'll be appointed a huddle to meet with. 

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
— Dale Carnegie


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