Compatibility is key

Preparation time

My new hobby is that of becoming an aquarist. I have done some research by reading "The Perfect Aquarium" by Jeremy Gay. This book is a complete guide to setting up and maintaining an aquarium. 

My limited experience is, that before freshwater fish can be introduced into an aquarium, you first need a week or two to build the cabinet, just as you would with IKEA flat packs. Thankfully my big son Jonathan took the pressure off me, building the cabinet single-handedly.

After washing the substrate/gravel I added the water to the tank from my garden hose. I then added the water heater to bring the water up to temperature. I then hooked up the external filter.  I then added a water conditioner and a day before adding the fish also added good bacteria. I also did a water test to check six major levels pH KH GH NO2 NO3 CI2. Lots of preparation ahead of the arrival of my new wee additions. 

I have nominated a Monday as my day to renew 30% of the water (again not forgetting the conditioner and bacteria additives). 

After adding a range of rocks and plants the tank surprisingly turned out to be an interesting aquascape for the fish. 

Time for the New Arrivals

Going to an Aquatics shop is like being a child in a sweet shop. Just like too many sugary sweets will rot a child's teeth, so choosing fish at random has failure written all over it. For instance, I liked the look of a Jack Dempsey fish. The clue is in the name. He is a fighter and will eat small fish. Compatibility to coexist is a key factor when considering setting up an aquarium. 

So I have chosen to go down the "Community" fish route. These include hardy fish that coexist well like Platies, Swordtails, Neons, Mollies, Cory's and the colourful fantailed Guppies. I may even introduce a few colourful Gouramis in time.

"Compatibility is key if we are to coexist peacefully together. " My first lesson as a virgin aquarist. Selah. 



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