Anamcara: Spiritual Direction

Anam Cara is a phrase that refers to the Celtic concept of the "soul friend" in religion and spirituality. The phrase is an anglicization of the Irish word anamchara, anam meaning "soul" and cara meaning "friend." 

It has its roots in the Old and New Testaments. Timothy had Paul as his SD
Elisha had Elijah as his SD. Joshua had Moses as his SD. 

Having such a friend is known today as having a "spiritual director." It is different, yet complimentary, to mentoring, counselling, therapy or coaching. "First and foremost, spiritual direction is the ministry of directing our thoughts and the movements of our hearts toward God and the presence of God in our lives.'

Spiritual Direction is "a means by which we might appropriate God's grace and respond to God's call on our lives." 

A Spiritual Director can act as a companion who "comes alongside" to help us. 

Here are several ways a Spiritual Director can can become our Anamcara. 
They can enrich and help our journey to:

1) Discover spiritual guidance, helping us make sense of our faith journey

2) Interpret significant markers on our road

3) Walk through transitions and journeys of our pligrimage

4) Make sense of the witness of the Spirit

5) Discern and foster intentional attentiveness to God's presence

6) Direct our heart and mind to listen to what Jesus is saying

7) Co-discern and co-listen to the agenda of the Spirit

8) Attune our heart to the way of the Spirit and live with faith, hope and love

9) Have unmediated encounters with the Ascended Christ

10) Recognise critical indicators of joy and sorrow, consolation and desolation

11) Foster personal responsibility to hear God's voice - This is known as "double listening." 
12)Bring empathy and compassion

Invest in yourself. 

Seek out a local SD for yourself. 

PM me if you wish to contact a SD yourself. 

Stay safe - be blessed. 


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