
I listen to Lectio363 daily devotionals. You can download the app for free to your phone. 

Currently they are looking at the life of the Old Testament dreamer known as Joseph.

He didn't do himself any favours with his brothers, sharing his grandiose dream that they would bow down to him.

Joseph also had a technicolour coat given to him by his dad Jacob. This favouritism, coupled with his self-affirming attitude, caused his brothers to throw him in a pit and sell him as a slave to passing Ishmaelites.

What the brothers didn't know was that Joseph's disappointment in the pit would ultimately lead to God's appointment, allowing circumstances that would eventually lead him to become the prime minister of Egypt.

The Joseph story demonstrates how disappointment can, in time, lead to God's appointment - the D of Disappointment changes by replacing the first letter D with H - His-appointment.

Remember, with God, "all things" ultimately "work together for good. "  What people intend for our detriment and hurt can actually lead to God's best for our lives.

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

I've learned, largely through the school of hard knocks, that it is "by faith and patience we inherit the promises of God.' The enduring quality found in patience can often be accompanied with long periods of opposition and disappointment. 

To quote a confectionery advert: "you can't "hurry a Murray" 

I pray that your are encouraged by Joseph's story. Apparent and real disappointment can, in God's time, turn to His-appointment.



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