Opposing views welcome

I always appreciate opposing views and the arguments against my opinions. That is the beauty of living in a democracy. In the words of Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800

"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - 

Mr Biden is a devout Roman Catholic and Kamala Harris a member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, led by the Rev. Amos Brown. 

I do however believe that, although holding to Christian values, we cannot Christianize a secular society. Therefore we need to let democracy take its course while continuing personally to be "salt and light."

I, too, have many Christian friends who are Republicans and are, like Ruth, no doubt unhappy with the election result. 

The Telegraph today has just confirmed that "nearly 80 per cent of Americans, including more than half of Republicans, recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the election, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

While the race with Donald Trump remains undecided in three states, Mr Biden passed the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win.

The Reuters/Ipsos national opinion survey, which ran from Saturday afternoon to Tuesday, found that 79 per cent of American adults believe Mr Biden won the White House. Another 13 per cent said the election has not yet been decided, while only 3 per cent said Mr Trump won. Almost a third of respondents did not believe their local election officials "do their job honestly".

The results were somewhat split along party lines: about six in 10 Republicans and almost every Democrat said Mr Biden won. The race was called for Mr Biden on Saturday but Mr Trump has failed to acknowledge defeat"

Pray that the states will be more "united" under the president elect . 

A prayer request from an Australian minister friend for your consideration:

Stay safe
Be blessed. 


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