Failure is...

My life has been marked by many failures and a few successes. I remember with fondness pastoring a small chaplaincy in Ballymena. Door to door evangelism in the estate had been somewhat of a failure. But success is sometimes found in the most bizzare of circumstances. I believe my greatest ever "sermon" was an act rather than any words of eloquence spoken. It was a sad morning when I visited the little terrace house in the large estate. I'd called to offer my condolences to the grieving family. The father of the house had tragically died. He was only 32. I couldn't help but notice how many neighbours were bringing sandwiches and cakes for the wake following the burial. Due to the influx of the whole neighbourhood wishing to support the grieving family, I realised the house would be way too small. I assessed the situation and realised they needed a much larger venue for the wake. I held the keys to our large church halls which were literally just a fe...