Can't be without a filter

Every other week I change the clogged filters in my aquarium's filter pump. Filters takes a lot of the harmful ammonia and filth out of the water, keeping the quality of the tank water pure and clean. 

The filter pump draws water out of the aquarium, through the hose and in through the filters.The water is then pumped back into the aquarium through another hose. 

There are three main purposes of filtration:

1) Biological Filtration
2) Mechanical Filtration and
3) Chemical Filtration

Biological Filtration - biological filtration is the process of converting the ammonia produced by fish into a harmless nitrate. This is the most important function of a filter and the primary reason why i must have a filter in my fish tank.

Mechanical Filtration – mechanical filtration removes physical debris such as fish waste and leftover fish food.

Chemical Filtration – this removes certain chemicals from the water (e.g. dechlorination). I regularly change 40% of the water,  while checking  the six essential water quality parameters with a litmus test. This type of filtration ensures that the filter media is doing a good job. 

However, the main purpose of the filter is filtration in the biological sense, as neither mechanical nor chemical clean the tank in the true sense of the word. 

The term 'without a filter' is a pretty common one, used today to describe a person who speaks without tact,  blurting out their thoughts or is generally seen as very blunt. The phrase comes from the idea that your mouth says what your brain thinks. We've all been guilty of speaking, at times, "without a filter."

Proverbs 18:21 puts it this way: “The tongue has the power of life and death.” 

The stakes are high. Our words can either speak life, or our words can speak death. Our tongues can build others up, or they can tear others down. 

As we enter the new 2021 year, I am continually checking that my spoken words are not "without a filter.

My prayer is that God will grant me a "wisdom filter," helping me convert negative thoughts, complaining and criticism into positivity, faith and acceptance. 

May we all consider wisely filtering harmful words and toxic thoughts, into us being those that become those that are as "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matt 10:16).



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