36 years ago

Exactly 36 years ago today, on 20th May 1985, my wife had a stillbirth at 8 months term. We called the wee darling girl Karen. That must have been one of our toughest days.

My wife Caroline is walking 3km in the pouring rain this morning with our BCGC friend Raquel Rodriguez. Raquel has experienced a similar loss. 

After losing their baby boy, at 17 weeks of gestation in November 2019, Raquel decided she would like to give back to the Royal Maternity unit and bereavement* team, that looked after her family during the hardest of times, and who continue to support them even now. 

The RMU & B team* offer real help during a time no family should have to experience, making sure parents take home as many memories as possible.

Raquel is raising funds to support other families who may have the misfortune to go through the same experience and help make a tough time a little kinder for them. 

She is raising the funds by walking 3km a day from the 3rd of May to the 3rd of June. She is tracking this using the Strava app. 

To make it a bit more fun and to be fully accountable, every Sunday she checks that she has met her target. If she has met it she'll get to pie face a member of her family; if she hasn't met her target she'll be the one pie faced! (It looks like the former, as Raquel is exceeding her target)

Even the smallest of donations will make a huge difference to these families! 

Please support this worthy cause : (copy and paste the link below) 



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