Brevity and Bucket Lists

There are defining moments in life. Most of us will remember where we were when 9-11 happened. Other moments are those sad occasions when a loved one is snatched suddenly from us to the life hereafter. 

I had one of those memorable moments this past Monday when I had my gallbladder, with its many stones, removed. Surgery make you think about the important stuff. 

I was again reminded of the fragility and brevity of life. Someone once said "Life is fragile, handle with prayer"

A brief chat with my dear friend Tim reminded me that we are "to number our days and incline our hearts onto wisdom"

With a 40th wedding anniversary coming up on 4th July 2021 I have just reviewed and revamped my bucket list. It is jam packed with adventure and fun destinations to explore, but the most important thing of all are the friends and family that I want to share it with.

It is not just filled with selfish desires, but is rather laden with altruistic endeavours that will benefit mankind for now and eternity.

Only one life twill soon be past... Enjoy the Journey. 


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