Peace encounter

The peace of God in the mind and heart is an amazing experience. It is one of the nine characteristics (or fruit) of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus promised his children peace in place of anxiety and I'm one of His kids. 

I'm going for a wee operation in several hours, yet am surprisingly really very calm, in the deep-seated reality that the Lord is with me. 

It's a bit like staying awake because you've an early flight to catch. Yes, my mind is alert in anticipation of the early operation yet my faith in my divine pilot is very real.

Those of you who know me know that my writing these blogs on life, with all its ups and downs, is my way of expressing something of God's love, faith and hope in our hurting world. 

I am so thankful of my many friends and family praying specifically for me and my surgeon as I go to theatre. I am now the beneficiary, at 4am, from the peace of God's near presence.

It is so wonderful to be a participant in this deep peace that comes from knowing Jesus.

I sensed the Lord remind me of a scripture in the Psalms which says "great peace have they who love thy law. "

You've probably watched a movie entitled 'close encounters of the third kind.' I'm experiencing a peace encounter of the God kind'' Absolutely marvellous! ' 

That's been my experience immediately preceding this operation. 

Thank you for praying.


  1. Brilliant message of strength and hope Paul. So glad you have this op over. Thankyou for sharing this encouragement xo


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