Riches that money can't buy

I was reminded this morning of the really important stuff and the riches that money can't buy.

In 1000 AD, 186 years after the death of Emperor Charlemagne, officials of the Emperor Otto re-opened Charlemagne’s large tomb. Otto's officials were toom raiders wanting to steal the crown. Before them was an extraordinary sight. In the midst of all the finery buried with him—the gold, the jewels, the priceless treasure—there was the skeleton of Charlemagne himself, still seated on his throne, still wearing his crown. In his lap, there lay a Bible, and a bony finger rested on Mark 8:36:
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

The wealthy Charlemagne pointed to what he deemed truly important. He knew that spiritual riches were eternal, whereas riches in life were all but temporary. As they say "You can't take it with you. Naked you came and naked you will depart!

Listen to the wise Solomon.

 Here’s a piece of bad luck I’ve seen happen:
A man hoards far more wealth than is good for him
And then loses it all in a bad business deal.
He fathered a child but hasn’t a cent left to give him.
He arrived naked from the womb of his mother;
He’ll leave in the same condition—with nothing.

This is bad luck, for sure—naked he came, naked he went.
So what was the point of working for a salary of smoke?
All for a miserable life spent in the dark?

(Ecclesiastes 5:15-17 -) The Message

Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

(Job 1:21 - New International Version) 

Get ready. Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last



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