My big sister

Here I have a photo that I cherish. It was taken at my son Jonathan's wedding. I have used the photo as my mobile's wallpaper to remind me of the joy my sweet sister brought to my life. She was my big sister who sadly passed away aged 69. Her name was Ann. She was a great gift giver. I was on the receiving side, recalling how she made my sixth party special with many balloons fit for the occasion. She also gave me a leather bound ESV Bible which was a bit special.

Ann suffered ill health the last few years of her life but was never one to grumble or complain. Ann was a women of great faith, always seeing the best in others, even through her health challenges.

I recall my 7 minute eulogy, referring to the dash measuring the years between her birthdate and death date 1952-2021.

Ann frequently wrote me letters, with all that was happening at home, while I studied at Portland Bible College in the US 1976-1979.

They say that "doubt looks back,worry looks around, but faith looks up."
It's sad that good people, like Ann, die young. Ann could have written the book entitled "good to great". She always had an encouraging word or a gift to bless.

Ann led a church choir and harmonized in a gospel group called the Lightbringers. She's probably leading a heavenly one right now.

Fondest of memories of a caring sister.

Carpe Deum - seize the day, because we don't really know when we too will be called home.


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