Let me tell you a story
Public speaking is an artform. There is something about the power of a well crafted story that is captivating. The storyteller paints wonderfully clear word pictures that influence and impact us. They can make us feel happy or sad, angry or appreciative. If we forget everything else, the power of the story resonates in our very soul. " Maybe stories are #Data with a soul ." It's said: "Story is where we came from. Story is where we're going. Story is what connects us and binds us to each other. It is in the story of humanity, amongst love and fear and failure, that we make meaning of our lives." Like a good movie or a 30 second advert, a great storyteller ably conveys a clear, concise and coherent message. A TED talk is one such story telling medium. A TED talk is a video created from a verbal presentation at the main TED (standing for Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference or one of its many satellite events a...