From DBR to RAG

When I look at the Gospel narratives I see Jesus' earthly ministry demonstrated primarily as teaching, preaching and healing. His Death Burial and Resurrection (DBR) has wonderfully redeemed and reconciled us to God. That's were a lot of Christians camp! Many scholars however classify Jesus' ministry in three phases:as Prophet, as Priest & as King. 1.His (past) earthly life is as Prophet 2.His present life is as Priest 3.His future life, at his second coming, is as King . My thoughts today take me to His priestly ministry as our Risen, Ascended and Glorified (R.A.G.) Lord. When we dig a little deeper, in the New Testament we see some of what this priestly ministry of Jesus entails. He is... Our Mediator (1 Tim 2:5) Our Representative (Heb 9:24) Our Advovate (1 John 2:1) Our Intercessor (Heb 7:25) I suppose what I'm rediscovering from scripture is that, yes, Jesus redemptive work (DBR) gives us a get out of hell card,...